July 18, 2007


Posted in ADHD, Goal Setting, Posts by Renee at 8:02 am by bloggingawayadhd

I am about to go on vacation until the end of the month, so if there are no posts for the next couple weeks, sorry! – I’m probably having too much fun in Miami. :)

If any of our contributing authors post in the meantime, I’ll attempt to log on and check so their posts can get published. Otherwise, see you in August!

Vacations are normally stressful times for me since I’m so afraid of forgetting something or doing everything we set out to do, etc. and that’s one of the ADHD things I need to work on to not make vacations miserable for the people with me.

My goal is to not cause any arguments on this trip! It’s a long one, so wish me luck :) 

I’ll do a post when I get back to let everyone know how it goes.

July 17, 2007

“You Can’t Have ADD! You’re 21 Years Old!” by Megan, Contributing Author

Posted in ADHD, Posts by Guests at 7:51 am by Megan

Hey Everyone, this is Renee, the main author of “Kick My ADD” blog. I have been looking for contributing authors for a few days, and Megan submitted the intro post below. I hope she will become a regular contributor to the site! I will categorize future posts by author, so you can use the category links in the right sidebar to filter to a specific writer if you’d like.

Below is the introduction post from our first contributing author, Megan! 

I’d never considered ADD as the root of my problems. All those ADD kids I knew growing up were hyper, acted out, were terrible at academics. But me, I was a straight-A student through junior high. Sure I struggled heavily with mathematics, and would freak out when I had to sit myself down and do my homework at night. But that’s just because I was a moody teenager, right?

When I was 21 I kept seeing fliers for adult ADD in the drug store. “Trouble concentrating? Feel disorganized? Want a solution? Your Doctor can help!” Well, it was worth a try. The more and more research I did, the more I felt relieved, that maybe there was something in my head that wasn’t exactly like everyone else’s.

The diagnosis freed me, but I realized that there was going to be hurdles I still had to get past, the least of which was the actual treatment for ADD. I had to “come out” as being an adult with ADD to those around me. My mother was relieved, because she knew there was a reason why I picked fights with her, and why I was impatient when she talked. However, she is anti-medication for anything, so she wasn’t happy that the doctor wanted me on Concerta.

Other reactions I got varied from “Oh. ADD, huh? Isn’t that for kids?” to “You forget to pay the bills? Well then I must have ADD too! Har har har!” Most people didn’t get it. They didn’t understand that it wasn’t just that I would forget to pay the bills, but that I also couldn’t remember what someone asked me to do five minutes ago, that my brain felt blocked, like I was up against a wall I couldn’t see over. I could hardly even function at my job because it was a special kind of mind-numbing. I even had a friend who got furious at me when I told him they’d be giving me medication for it.

Long story short, I did try Concerta for a year. The medication did help me. The first time I took it my brain felt like one of those Claritin allergy ads where they lift the film up and all the sudden everything is in Technicolor. My brain felt super-focused as I don’t think it ever had before. But soon the side-effects began outweighing the good. I found the time-release pill would wear off by the time I got to my night classes in college. If I took the pill too late in the day, I’d have trouble getting to sleep, and I just had trouble staying asleep generally speaking. I’d also get a terrible crawly, restless, antsy feeling at very random times, but often after I’d settled down for the evening. My nerves would feel raw, and my adrenaline would be surging like I had to get up and move. That can be helpful for energy during the day when you want to get out and take a walk, but not when you’re sitting in a movie theater trying to watch a film. As much as the Concerta helped, I couldn’t deal with the side-effects and stopped taking it. As of right now I’ve been off the meds for a year, and I do miss the good things the medication helped me deal with.

But I’ve made a decision to try to work with the ADD and deal with it without medication. I don’t want it to rule my life, but on the other hand I don’t want to just ignore the symptoms and live like I’ve been living: disorganized, forgetful and the feeling like I’m drowning.

I think I can do it, and I think other adults can do it. It takes some time, and it takes understanding and patience of ourselves and those around us. If we can each understand what exactly ADD is, the useful things that come with it [hey, I don’t mind the whole “hyper-focus” thing!], and how to work with disorganization, then we can all be living a distraction-free life without the use of medication.

Thanks for the post, Megan, and welcome to the Kick My ADD blog! I’m looking forward to seeing your ideas and progress dealing with ADD without medication!

I wish I were a kid in Wisconsin….

Posted in ADHD, Exercise, External Links, Posts by Renee, Tools at 3:55 am by bloggingawayadhd

OK, well I don’t wish that too often. It’s chilly up north! But, look at what I found online:

ThedaCare “Empower Me!” Summer Camp for Kids with ADHD

This medical center puts on summer camps for kids with ADD that expose them to a lot of different activities and help them learn techniques to manage their ADD.

Activities include:

  • Art Projects
  • Music Therapy
  • Yoga
  • Therapy Dog
  • Karate
  • A day with horses
  • Computers
  • Ropes Course

I love how the schedule (here – PDF) has little down time, and a lot of variety – sounds so fun! I took Tae Kwon Do as a kid and my parents said it helped me learn discipline (well, a little) and wore me out so they didn’t have to deal with so much hyperactivity! I also love music, art, computers, and animals, so I would have totally loved this camp.

July 15, 2007

Fatty Acids & Your Brain

Posted in ADHD, External Links, Omega-3/fish oil, Posts by Renee, Supplements at 7:55 am by bloggingawayadhd

Found this cute little article on The Franklin Institute Website:


To be honest, I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but it looks to have a lot of interesting facts on Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, including their role in human evolution, the role they play in brain membranes, what the essential fatty acids are, and more! Check it out! 

Another better week.

Posted in ADHD, Posts by Renee, Progress at 7:35 am by bloggingawayadhd

So, I guess either the people around me are more relaxed and making life easier for me, or the supplements and exercise are helping! Either way, my weekly score improved again, and I didn’t have one day this week when my average score (over all categories of evaluation) was below a 5 out of 10! That’s a first. I didn’t have any super-great days, but I didn’t have any “bad” days either. I feel like I still cause some arguments and I still have trouble staying on track with my projects, but I seem to “recover” quicker from my down times.

So my aim this week is to improve the score in the category that matters the most at the moment: Getting stuff done for work.

Also, there are 3 people interested in writing for this blog, so I am just waiting for their sample posts that I’ll use to determine whether we will be adding some new authors. Hopefully, the number of posts per week should go up soon.

The blog also hit the 500 visitor mark this week – Yay!

July 9, 2007

Do you have something to say?

Posted in ADHD, Posts by Renee at 6:43 am by bloggingawayadhd

I am looking for additional contributors for this blog…. check out my criteria here:


Keep an eye out for posts by new authors in the near future!

July 8, 2007

Weekly Score and Mood Improving

Posted in ADHD, Posts by Renee, Progress at 7:43 am by bloggingawayadhd

This week on my Progress Chart, I scored the highest weekly score yet, an 84! This isn’t extremely high, and is only 4 points higher (out of 160) than when I started, but I definitely feel like I’m on an upward trend.

The categories that are definitely on a steady upward climb all have to do with mood: Overall Feeling Good Mentally, Not overly sensitive/snappy, and Positive Mood. These categories have gone up every week.

I have a theory that the real reason my mood is increasing is because the people around me are all more relaxed. I live in a house with 2 kids and their Dad, and they are all off of school (the Dad’s a teacher), so everyone around here is more laid-back and has fewer responsibilities.

However, it could also be the supplements that are helping (Omega-3, GABA, and a multivitamin), it could be my health improving (daily exercise), or the fact that I’m actually tracking myself and showing improvements.

Whatever it is, my overall mood and outlook on life is doing better than when I started! I guess at the end of August when everyone goes back to school and the house stress level increases again, we’ll find out for sure!

July 6, 2007

Tag Surfer – Link to another blog

Posted in ADHD, External Links, Posts by Renee at 6:09 am by bloggingawayadhd

So the wordpress tag surfer has come through for me. I found a link to another blog by a woman with Adult ADHD that is anti-medication.

Here it is: http://sparkmygenius.com/?p=146

 I’m going to go tell her about my blog.

Super Fidgety

Posted in ADHD, Posts by Renee, Progress at 6:05 am by bloggingawayadhd

Well, I’m feeling very fidgety right now. I am having a hard time staring at the computer screen, even though I have several hours of work to do on the computer. It’s too late to exercise outside for some energy-release, and I don’t have much motivation to do anything inside. I’m feeling a little mentally flustered and can’t seem to focus on anything, but for some reason it isn’t bothering me as much as it normally would. I don’t feel so stressed, I feel like it will pass.

 Actually, when I am looking at my week overall so far, I feel like I am on the verge of a big improvement. Like it isn’t showing up yet on my charts, but if I just keep meeting my goals of taking supplements and exercising daily all week, that next week I will start to notice the effects of my efforts.

So, overall I’m suprising myself by feeling positive about the future even though at the moment I could be really down on myself for not getting anything done. I guess that’s something of an improvement! More reports later.

 I’m going to run up and down the stairs for a few minutes to get some of this excess energy out (hopefully).

July 3, 2007

Feeling Tired?

Posted in ADHD, External Links, Omega-3/fish oil, Posts by Renee, Self-Therapy, Supplements at 2:33 am by bloggingawayadhd

Well, I’ve been taking Omega-3 fatty acids on and off for 3 weeks now. I love finding news tidbits that give me even more reasons to keep taking them!

Here is another potential benefit: staying mentally alert and therefore feeling less tired.

“Fuel your brain with omega-3s. Found in fatty fish (such as tuna and salmon), walnuts, and canola oil, these essential fatty acids play a role in keeping brain cells healthy and helping you feel mentally alert. Another potential bonus: Omega-3s encourage the body to store carbs as glycogen — the storage form of glucose (blood sugar) and the body’s main source of stored fuel — rather than as fat.”

Check out this list of 22 ways to feel more energetic during the day. Of course, exercise is on the list, too.

Since having low energy during parts of the day something I’m tracking in my progress chart, I’ll be able to see if things change over time in that area while taking the supplements.

 Now if I could just get my goals done regularly, I’ll be on my way to a healthier (physically AND mentally) life, and I’ll be able to tell you whether these “natural” ways to theoretically control ADD are working!